An invitation from Julia, Stuart, Emily, Matthew and Leo Carrick…..

Leo and his family live in Greystones, Co Wicklow, Ireland and with your help it is aimed to raise €60,000 to finance the cost of life-changing surgery and the costs of the intensive after care required for him. This surgery, which is not available in Ireland, would help him to realize his dream of walking independently. For the past 20 years children with cerebral palsy (spastic diplegia) have been successfully treated with a procedure known as SDR (selective dorsal rhizotomy) at the St Louis Children's Hospital, Missouri, USA. In the last two years this procedure has become available in the UK at the Frenchay Hospital, Bristol where Leo attended his first consultation on 16th July 2012. After extensive assessments and tests he has been accepted as a suitable candidate for surgery (acceptance letter) on 12th March 2013 in the Barbara Russell Children’s paediatric neuroscience unit at the hospital.