Getting Down To It
So finally I felt as if I could really get stuck into the fundraising! It was daunting but my wonderful friends Moira and Niall had already launched the campaign with their pub quiz in July so I knew that it was possible! So my Mum and I (what would we do without our mums) sat down with Stuart and we made a plan! Events, cake sales, coffee mornings, craft fairs, pub quzzes, musical evenings, race nights golf classics…
anything we could think of that would bring in the much needed funds for our precious boy. This is the point where Stuart and I saw the true goodness of our friends!!! We knew we couldn’t do it all on our own so we asked our friends to help us and they all got on board to help us reach our goal! My mum created this wonderful website and has everyday worked tirelessly on the campaign….Words cant express how I feel about what she has, is and will continue to do…..
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