And so onward we go…….We must keep fighting and keep asking and keep pushing… Read More...
The Thanks
How shall we ever be able to thank people enough for what they are and will do for our boy and for our family. The frustration of not being able to just write a cheque for €60,000 Read More...
The Kindness of People
In these dark days of recession and unemployment I have been amazed and overwhelmed by the generosity and kindness of people. Not just people that we know because they have been truly wonderful but also of complete strangers. I have had people Read More...
SO I threw myself into this project and in typical style, worked around the clock for weeks setting everything up and liaising with people, organising events whilst being a single mum Mon to Fri because Stuart is in College….Also teaching singing and taking my lovely ladies choir on Thursday nights…..discovered that at nearly 40 and pushing myself mentally and physically that it takes its toll… Read More...
What a tremendous experience this is proving to be!!!!! The kindness of people, the generosity of strangers and friends and the unwavering support is overwhelming! I am a bit of a control freak so this suits me!!!!!!! Read More...
Getting Down To It
So finally I felt as if I could really get stuck into the fundraising! It was daunting but my wonderful friends Moira and Niall had already launched the campaign with their pub quiz in July so I knew that it was possible! So my Mum and I (what would we do without our mums) sat down with Stuart and we made a plan! Events, cake sales, coffee mornings, craft fairs, pub quzzes, musical evenings, race nights golf classics… Read More...
The Waiting
So we came back from Leos assessment in Bristol feeling optimistic and hopeful that, at last we might be on our way. Read More...
Day of Reckoning - 16th July 2012

The First Step …. June 2012

Pub Quiz - 27th June 2012
I am elated after this evening's pub quiz organized by my fantastic friend Moira Kennedy!!! I always knew Moira was an extraordinary woman but tonight I was in awe of her and several times during evening felt the tears rising when I thought about the pure love and friendship that she shares with us and for dear Leo. Read More...